Social Media and your Roanoke Valley Business, how does it work ?

Spencer Technology Solutions works hard to meet the constant changing needs of our customers, and in the IT world one of the newest changes is the need to compete in the Social Media Market.  To meet our customers needs we are working hard to be Roanoke’s best Social Media Consultants.  Spencer Technology Solutions wants to help you put Social Media to work for you and your business.

We want to meet your Social Media consultanting needs in Roanoke VA and beyond.  Are you new to the Social Media game, and don’t understand it completely ? Let Spencer Techonology Solutions give you a free consultation and show you how we can put together a personalized Social Media package that will work for your company.

There are many ways that Social Media allows you to promote your business, such as with blog articles, videos, photo albums on your facebook page and much more. We can access your business’ needs and help you decide what you need to utilize Social Media Marketing.

We can make it easier for new customers to find you and read more about your business by increasing your Search Engine Optimization and Analytics Scores. Let us help you get into the game,  call us today at 540-815-9397 for your Social Media consultation, and let us show you how you can conquer the new frontier for your business. Let us go to work for you.

IT Support that Roanoke can count on !

STS3Have you ever had one of those days when it seemed like everything was going great when all of a sudden your printer jams. There you sit —  All you need to do is print this document and you will be done, but no matter what you do nothing works. It seems like if you fix one thing, something else messes up.  Feel like screaming “Ahhhh”, and pulling on your hair.  Don’t mess up your beautiful hair, just call for the best computer help and IT Support  in Roanoke VA, call Spencer Technology Solutions (STS).  We can get that document to print for you, and answer all your questions no matter how small or how big.

We offer IT Consulting and Tech Solutions for Roanoke business’  that will meet your needs. whatever your problem.  We specialize in support for small to medium size businesses, and our expertise extends to IT Consulting, Social Media Consulting, Website design, Networking, computer equipment sales, and so much more.  Our customers trust us to give them the best computer help and support available for their homes and business in the Roanoke Valley.

Don’t pull out your hair, or cause any more wrinkle lines to come on your face, let the worries drift away with Spencer Technology Solutions (540) 815-9397

Computer and Social Media Marketing with Fishing

10869144-fishermanDid you know that the use of Computer and Social Media marketing is just the new version of fishing ?  All you are doing is fishing for customers on the world wide web ?  Just like regular fishing it is important to use the right equipment, bait, and gear to get the catch.   If your catch has been a little light lately, maybe it is time to let Spencer Technology Solutions help you bait the hook, and cast your line. As your Social Media Administrators,  Spencer Technology Solutions will help you get the catch of the season.

Why not give us a call today, and let us set up a consultation to explain to you the latest in Social Media technology.  For example linking (networking) your blog, facebook, twitter and youtube pages together.  What this means to you is that your Blog, Twitter and other pages are linked together (or networked).  It is important that all of your Social Media be networked together, so instead of casting one line, you are casting a net.  Linking it all together makes your “net” bigger, so when you cast to the web you will catch more “fish”.  Afterall, the larger your net is, the larger the search area it will cover to bring those customers to your homepage so they can read all about you and your services and products.  Why not  call Spencer Technology Solutions today at 540-815-9397  and let us  help you with your Social Media ?