Are you prepared for winter?

There is no doubt that fall in the Roanoke Valley is a beautiful time, but it also is a signal that winter is close by.  Why not let Spencer Technology Solutions, your Roanoke IT Consultants, help you prepare for winter by getting all of your favorite electronic devices upgraded, repaired, tweaked, or replaced.  If you are looking for computer help, we are the people to call.

If winter comes in with a fury the way it did last year, you know you want nothing more than to be sitting around in your warm cozy home watching television and playing Farmville on your laptop.  Why not take the time now to get everything in working order, so you aren’t sitting in front of your televsion with three feet of snow on the ground outside  and ,wishing that you had ordered that larger television.  The super bowl will be here before you know it.   Or what about this scenario, you are playing farmville, and you are just about to edge out all your friends, and be the highest ranking farmer, when all of a sudden, your computer crashes.  If ONLY, you had called us two months ago when you started having problems with your computer.  No more farming for days, your hard drive is gone.  And of course there is work too — wouldn’t it be nice to work from home on those icy days when the roads are bad.  Don’t let this happen to you.  Old Man winter can be fierce, so make sure you are prepared for all your winter indoor fun (well electronically speaking anyway), give us a call and let us help you prepare.

Are you frustrated with your computer?

So you are working in Excel, you save the file, and then you go back two days later, and it isn’t the way you left it.  You KNOW you saved it, so why isn’t it there?  As wonderful as computers are, there are still many frustrations.  I remember in college when I was working on the early version of today’s PC, I had many days where I wanted to throw it out the window of my dorm (that was 9 stories up). I imagined it crashing into thousands of pieces.  The thought brought me joy.  (still does, even today)  You know what I am talking about, it is 9:30, your paper is due at 10:00, all you have to do was print it out, and guess what … it won’t print.  These are frustrations many people still have today at work, and at home.

 As IT people, we see many of these common issues every day, and have found some easy solutions for many of your daily frustrations.   Tell us what some of your biggest frustrations are, and let us share some solutions with you.  What is a common frustration that you would like to discuss?