Business IT Consultants for the Roanoke Valley and Beyond !

Do you own a small to medium size business in the Roanoke area ?  Do you need a Business Consultant to help you with your IT needs and more ? If your business is too small for a full time IT staff, but yet you still have IT needs, then why not let Spencer Technology Solutions handle your needs for you !

Whatever repairs your computers need, we can handle it, and we can give you the Computer support that you need to keep your business current and your computers running efficently.  We handle everything from small computer repairs, to networking your entire office with a new server.

Not only do we offer computer consultanting, but we can also help you with your marketing needs and business needs. We will put our heads together with your team, and come up with business and IT solutions that can meet all your company’s needs from new computer equipment, computer repair, to website development and Social Media consulting, not just in Roanoke, but whereever our customers need us. We travel to meet out customers needs.   Because afterall if your computers are not working, then you are not making money.   Let Roanoke’s premier Computer specialists, Spencer Technology Solutions help solve your IT needs today with IT Solutions that really work.  Call us at 540-815-9397.

Roanoke’s IT Consultants – Spencer Tech Solutions

Is your business too small for a full time IT  staff ?  What do you do to meet your IT needs ?  In today’s fast paced computer driven world, there are bound to be IT needs that arise often, so how are your needs being met ? If you are struggling to manage your computer needs yourself, or using another service that isn’t quite meeting your needs, why not  give Spencer Technology Solutions a chance to be your IT & Computer consultants for your Roanoke business ?

It’s time to quit worrying about your computer needs, and Let Spencer Technology Solutions handle them for you !  We can give you the Tech support that you need to keep your technology current, and keep your day to day business moving along.  We handle everything from small computer repairs, to networking your entire office space.  We handle new equipment sales, computer repair, website development, Social Media Consulting, and more, not just in Roanoke, but whereever our customers need us to be.  We travel far and wide to meet out customers needs.   Because afterall if your computers are not working, chances are your employees are not either.  Let Roanoke’s best IT and Computer Specialists  & Consutlants, Spencer Technology Solutions help you solve your IT needs today with IT Solutions that really work.  Call us at 540-815-9397.

Happy Independence Day !

Freedom…  just the word brings American images to mind.  You picture Lady Liberty, Fireworks, Uncle Sam, and yes American Soldiers.  The saying “Freedom isn’t Free” seems simplistic in nature, but the meaning is so true.  From the original Fourth of July when the Declaration of Independence was signed until today, Freedom has meant being willing to fight for what you believe in and stand up for what is right.   This Fourth of July think about all the things that make America great, but then take a few minutes to say Thank you to all the men and women who have fought to give us the freedom to enjoy them. Not just today, but for the last 236 years.

The world we live in today tells us that America has passed her glory years, and that she is declining.  It is okay to be proud to be an American, and be proud of your heritage.  I think America has only passed her Glory days if we allow it to happen.  So I say celebrate Independence Day and help America have the best birthday she has ever had !  From all of us at Spencer Technology Solutions we wish you and your family a Happy Independence Day !