What’s in a Name ? Spencer Technology Solutions

What’s in a business name or brand name ? Hopefully, the name reflects the quality and integrity of your business, and let’s your clients know what you stand for.  At Spencer Technology Solutions, we hope that our name will mean the best computer and IT consulting services available in the area, and  that our name will bring to mind the great customer service we strive to provide.

We not only work hard to make our business name respectable in the Roanoke area, but we strive to give you the computer knowledge, skills and equipment to make your business successful, and help your company’s name mean quality service as well.  Let’s face it, if your computers are not working that can mean delays for your customers, and it can affect the service you provide.  If we do our job, then you can do yours ! Our goal is to help all of our clients be more successful in their business by enabling them with the tools they need.  Call us today at 540-815-9397 and let us show you The Spencer Tech Solutions difference !

Memorial Day Wishes from the Spencers !

veterandayMemorial Day weekend is here, and the Summer kick off has begun ! The beaches are open, and the grills are out.  Whether you spend your weekend splashing in the waves, or at the grill flipping burgers, I hope you have a wonderful time.  There is just something about summertime that gives off a feeling of relaxation and peace.  I’m sure we are all ready for a nice long three day weekend full of family and friends, especially after the long winter that we have had this year.

I hope that somewhere during your long weekend, you take a few minutes to remember.  It is Memorial Day, and every American needs to stop, think, and honor those who have served and sacrificed for our freedom.    I am sure many of you have family members who have served or are serving now, and that you too understand the cost of freedom.  The  young men and women of every battle in our country’s history who aren’t here with their families, who have no more lazy summer days because they paid the ulitmate price with their lives so that we can live ours as Americans and be free.  It is very humbling to realize the price that has been paid to give us what we take fore granted every day — freedom.  The freedom to work and play; live and love.  The freedom to be Americans. So have a great memorial day weekend, have a lot of fun, and enjoy your  family and friends, but take a few minutes to remember those who gave you all that you have, and say “Thank you.”

Specer Technology Solutions would like to say “Thank You” to all of our veterans and their families for the service and sacrifice that they have made for our country and for our freedom.

Let us help you “Cast your net” with Social Media Marketing for your busniess

So you have heard all the talk about how every business needs a presence in the new Social Media Market, but how do you fit in, where do you start ?  Well it’s time to let Spencer Technology Solutions help you  cast your net with Social Media, and get into the water of the world wide web by being your Social Media Consultants.

Let us explain to you the latest in Social Media technology, like networking with your  blog and other social media components.  Basically, what that means to you is that your Blog and your facebook page (and/or Twitter, Linked In etc)  are linked together (or networked). So whenever you publish a blog post it automatically goes posts to your facebook page.  This makes your “net” bigger that you are casting out into the world wide web, and will help you catch more “fish” so to speak.  The bigger the net, the farther the reach into google, and bing to bring those customers to your homepage so they can read all about you and your services and products.  So how about letting Spencer Technology Solutions help you with your Social Media ? Give us a call today at 540-815-9397 to learn more about our Social Media Consultation packages.