Reflections for Memorial Day

Summer is here! The beaches are open, and the grills are out, and cook-outs will be happening all over the country. I can just picture Dad at the grill flipping burgers, the smoke wafting from the charcoal through the air.  The kids are running through the yard with water pistols squealing and playing.  Mom and Aunt Helen are in the kitchen making sweet iced tea and cutting up the watermelon. Yes, sweet summertime is finally here, I’m sure we are all ready for a nice long three day weekend full of family and friends.

But somewhere during your long weekend, take a few minutes to remember what it is really all about. It is Memorial Day, and every American needs to stop, think, and reflect on those who have served and sacrificed for our freedom.  We just finished watching “Band of Brothers”, the HBO documentary with our daughter, so she would understand what others did before her, and begin to understand the high price of freedom.  I am sure many of you have family members who have served or are serving now, and that you too understand the cost.  The most important thing for us to remember this Memorial Day is to take a moment and pay our respects to those gave their lives for our country. The young men of D-Day, and the young men and women of every other battle in our country’s history who aren’t here with their families, who have no more lazy summer days because they paid the ulitmate price, their lives so that we can live ours as Americans and be free.  It is very humbling to realize the price that has been paid to give us what we take fore granted every day — freedom.  The freedom to work and play; live and love.  The freedom to be Americans. So have a great memorial day weekend, have a lot of fun, and enjoy your  family and friends, but take a few minutes to remember those who gave you all that you have, and say “Thank you.”

Specer Technology Solutions would like to say “Thank You” to all of our veterans and their families for the service and sacrifice that they have made for our country and for our freedom. We would be honored to help any of our military or veterans looking for a new home in the Richmond or Roanoke areas, if we can be of assistance in any way, please call us.  We know all about financing for veterans and the one year extended tax credit for the military. Let us serve you.

We care about your business.

Why is Spencer Technology Solutions the best source for IT Solutions and computer help in the Roanoke Valley?  The answer is quite simple, it is because we care about your business.

We know that doing the best job that we can do for our customers will help them succeed. At Spencer Technology solutions,  we think of ourselves as part of your team, if you succeed so do we.  Working as a team gets better results than trying to carry the load yourself, just like the coach said in High School.  Those lessons apply in life too.

At Spencer Technology Solutions we know that caring about the success of our customers makes us have better customer service, and gives our customers something that is getting harder and harder to find in the high tech world – someone who listens to their needs, and understands the issues they are facing.  Not only does caring about your business make us easier for you to work with, it also benefits us, because your success is our success. When you grow, our business prospers too. We all win !  Why not give us a call today, at 540-815-9397, and let us show you our first class customer service, and the benefits of having an IT Consultant on your team.  Let’s play ball and win together !

You better shop around– then shop here.

Great Shopping in Roanoke means Tanglewood mall.  But what if you are shopping for computer help ? How do you know what you need ?  It is so hard to know if you are spending money on something you really need, or wasting money on something that really isn’t necessary.  And afterall, in this economy every penny counts.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you were spending money on the best value for your dollar.  But how can you do that when you buy a computer ?  I mean most of that techno-jargon is like a foreign language to most people.  I guess you could go talk to the sales guy at the store. How helpful has that been for you ?  — Ha ha —  I know there are some great salespeople out there, but my experience lately has not led me to find any of them.

So what is the answer ?  How about calling Spencer Technology Solutions at 540-815-9397 ?  You would be surprised to find out that you can get a computer built for your personal needs and specifications for not much more than those super store prices, and the best part is that the computer is built just for you.  So you are not paying for things you don’t need. Instead your every dollar is going to help you get the things that will benefit you the most on your new computer.   Sounds good ?  Give us a call and let us quote you a new system today.