It’s time to Cast your net !

Cast your net with Social Media and Spencer Technology Solutions ! Let us help you get into the water of the world wide web by being your Social Media  Consultants.

Let us explain to you the latest in Social Media technology. Terms like blogging, networking, and keywords just to name a few.  It is important for all your social media to be connected, or networked, so that it makes a big net to cast into the world wide web.  It is important that your Blog and your facebook page are linked together (or networked). So whenever you publish a blog post it automatically goes posts to your facebook page.  This also works with your twitter account as well.  So now all of your Social Media is networked together. This makes your “net” bigger that you are casting out into the world wide web. The bigger the net, the farther the reach into google, and bing to bring those customers to your homepage so they can read all about you and your services and products.  So how about letting Spencer Technology Solutions help you with your Social Media ? Give us a call today at 540-815-9397 to learn more about our Social Media Consultation packages.