Facebook and your Business

So Kristen how did you find your new dentist ?   “Well, I read about him on Facebook.  A lot of my friends were talking about him online.” One of my friends even wrote a blog for her job about his practice.

Still think Facebook doesn’t help your business ? The latest Nielsen reports show that Facebook and other forms of Social Media like Twitter, Google+ and You Tube are leading the way in the marketing industry to help businesses get new customers.

Facebook has become a tool for businesses to use to keep in touch with clients, and keep their product at the forefront of the market.   Facebook, combined with YouTube, blogging, and Twitter are today’s marketing tools.   Research shows that 90% of people trust online recommendations from people they know vs. 14% who trust a traditional television commercial.  The best way to use a “commercial” in today’s world is to put it on You Tube.  Traditional television advertising is steadily losing its effectiveness. Many commercials will be viewed thousands of times on “You Tube” vs once or twice on regular television.

Wow, you say, that is great. But how can I put Facebook to work for me.  Well, of course I have the answer for you because Spencer Technology Solutions is ready to be your Social Media Administrator and put together a plan that will work for you.  We love to help our clients stay connected and use of all forms of Social Media, that is why we are some of Roanoke’s favorite Social Media Consultants.  Give us a call today and let us show you how we can make you Facebook Crazy too, and put Social Media to work for you.