Facebook Help

There was a great article recently on Fox News called 3-Ways you are using Facebook Wrong.  Here are the highlights from that article, it’s great advice.

If you’re like most people, you visit Facebook a few times a day. You catch  up on the latest gossip, “Like” cute baby or pet pictures, and maybe post  something yourself. Facebook makes these things simple. Facebook is so simple, in fact, that you might not know you’re using it  wrong. Here are 3 things you really need to stop doing on Facebook.

1. Confuse public and private conversations There are a few ways to  communicate on Facebook. One is to post a message on your Timeline for everyone  to see. Another is to post a message directly to a friend’s Timeline. These are the  posts that show up in your Timeline labeled “Jane Doe > John Doe.”Far too many people think the second method is a private conversation. That  isn’t the case. Think of it like a public speaker on stage talking to one  audience member instead of the entire audience. Everyone can still hear  everything they’re saying. I’ve seen people who don’t know this ask friends very personal questions. It  can be embarrassing for everyone. To send a private message, click the Messages link to the left of your news  feed. Then click the New Message button. You can also go to your friend’s profile page and click the Message button  near the top right of the page. Or, just pick up a phone.

2. Overshare Social media sites like Facebook encourage you to post  your thoughts, experiences, pictures, videos and whatever else you feel like.  This can lead people to share things like what they had for breakfast. Detailed  relationship woes are another favorite. How about the fact you’re out of town  for a while? Thieves love that one.But a recent study from the University of Birmingham found oversharing is  more complex. It seems sharing too many photos – even if they’re nice photos –  can damage your real-life relationships and cost you friends.Of course, “too many” is relative, but there are a few guidelines. If you  like to post “selfies,” or shots featuring just you, dial it back to important  events, like a new haircut.Also, photos of you with certain friends tend to turn off your friends and  family who weren’t there. Photos of immediate family and significant others,  however, seem to be OK.

3. Include too much information in photos This is similar to  oversharing, but carries more risk. Smartphones and some newer standalone  cameras can embed GPS information into photos.Anyone who knows how to read this can see where your photos were taken. That  means they can find your house, kids’ school or other important locations. So before you upload a photo, make sure it’s clean.In Windows you can right click a photo and choose Properties. In the Details  tab, click the “Remove Properties and Personal Information” button. Mac users,  and Windows users who want to clean a bunch of photos at once, can use a program  like XnView.On a smartphone, you can turn off GPS when you’re taking pictures. To turn it  off on your iPhone, go to Settings>>Privacy Location Services. You can  turn it off for everything or just for the camera. For Android, go to Settings>>Location Services and turn GPS off when  you don’t need it. For Windows Phone, go to Settings>>Location to turn off  Location Services.If you don’t think you’ll remember, use an app like PixelGarde to check photos before you post.Don’t forget to check what’s in the photos. For example, a picture that shows  your house number or street name isn’t good to post. Pictures of valuables  aren’t great either.There was a story about this just the other day. A reality-TV cast member at  a restaurant posted pictures of his lobster dinner and $50,000 watch on  Instagram.A thief who was in the neighborhood saw the photos. He went to the restaurant  and tried to steal the cast member’s watch! The thief didn’t get it, but I think  the lesson is clear.

Of course, the biggest no-no of all is having poor privacy settings. Click here to see more about Facebook privacy settings that you  need to check now




Working together to make your business better !

Why is Spencer Technology Solutions the best source for IT Solutions and computer help in the Roanoke Valley?  The answer is simple, we care about your business.

We know that doing the best job that we can do for our customers will help them succeed. At Spencer Technology solutions,  we think of ourselves as part of your team, if you succeed so do we.  Working as a team gets better results than trying to carry the load yourself, just like the coach said in High School “There is no ‘I’ in team.  Those lessons apply in life too.

At Spencer Technology Solutions we know that caring about the success of our customers makes us have better customer service, and gives our customers something that is getting harder and harder to find in the high tech world – someone who listens to their needs, and understands the issues they are facing.  Not only does caring about your business make us easier for you to work with, it also benefits us, because your success is our success.

When you grow, our business prospers too. We all win !  Why not give us a call today, at 540-815-9397, and let us show you our first class customer service, and the benefits of having an IT Consultant on your team.  1… 2… 3…  GO TEAM !

Social Media Consultanting for your Small Business

Are you looking for Social Media Consultant for your Small Business in Roanoke VA?  Spencer Technology Solutions wants to help you put the new marketing medium ofSocial Media to work for you and your business. We are ready to be your Social Media consultants in Roanoke and Lynchburg VA.  Is all of the Social Media terminology new to you? Do you need help sorting out all the terms how they work together ? Let Spencer Techonology Solutions explain it to you, and put together a Social Media package like  a facebook page, a blog,  or Twitter account for your business, and help you cast your net into the world wide web.

Social Media allows you to promote your business in a variety of ways, and Spencer Tech can help you put just the right package together for you.  If someone wants to know about a local business in their area, they are going to Google it, or use some other search engine on the internet to find what they are looking for.  Well, Social Media is how you increase your company’s search engine optimization (SEO), or presence on the internet.  You make it easier for new customers to find you and read more about your business.  Call us today at 540-815-9397 for your Social Media consultation, and let us show you how you can conquer the new frontier for your business. Let us go to work for you.