A Computer Age Love Story !

Once upon a time, in town far far away, their lived a little school teacher who was ever so lovely and sweet. She dreamed daily of the Prince Charming she wanted to meet.  She looked at church, and at the grocery store. She looked in the woods, and even at her front door.  One day she even drove into the big city and searched some more. When Alas, all of her hope was spent, on to the computer to sign up for Eharmony she went….days later when her personality profile was finally done, she sighed and said, “This really isn’t any fun.”

Neil Clark Warren just smiled and said, “Oh, but you just wait and see– I have 28 points of compatibility”.  It wasn’t long until matches filled her inbox, and profile after profile she read.  Some were boring, some were strange, and some of those guys were just deranged.  Day after day she looked, but no one had what it took.

Just as her membership was about to expire, she got a note from a guy called “Spencer for Hire”, she looked at his picture, because she just had to see, what exactly a Hokie from Roanoke would be.  Much to her amazement he turned out to be quite nice, and soon they made it through the emails, and he had called her twice.

His voice was pleasant, and he was ever so sweet, it wasn’t long before they decided they just had to meet.  From the Star City he drove down to her little town, GPS guided his way. and he made it there safe and sound.

The first date was just the start, and he knew right away that she had his heart.  From a computer date, he had met his future mate, and MAN was she great.  As for her, she knew he was the one.  Prince Charming had arrived in style … and wow, he had it all, even a great smile.

Happy Valentine’s Day… from our computer to yours ..

Valentine’s Day Tips

It’s that time of year, and love is in the air.  At Spencer Technology Solutions, we want to wish you and your special someone a very Happy Valentine’s Day.   Don’t have any special plans yet ?  Many of the Roanoke areas finest restaurants are offerning special Valentine’s day dining.  Some of our personal favorites include: Montano’s International Gourment, Hollywood’s Diner & Bakery, and even though it is a chain, we stilll love Abuelos.   Why not try one of these terrific restaurants to take your special date ?

Don’t forget the flowers of course, I mean it is Valentine’s Day. If you are on a budget, try stopping by Krogers, Sam’s Club, or Fresh Market, for beautiful roses at discont prices, and hey you even get fuel points at Kroger for purchasing flowers — you can’t beat that.

We hope that however you choose to spend this day that you will be able to spend it with the people that you love the most.

Internet Security- is it important for your business?

Spencer Technology Solutions, Roanoke’s premier IT Consultant group, has spoken at many events in the last few years about the topic of Inernet security and how to make it work for your business.

Matt Spencer, the President of Spencer Technology Solutions,  is still asked questions by our customers on a regular basis about internet security.  I am sure that most of you know that in today’s business world, it is extremely important to have security because of various privacy laws and the confidentiality of critical data, but did you know that Internet security is becoming increasingly important for all areas of businesses even if your data isn’t exactly earth-shattering in confidentiality.

Unfortunately, Internet security is becoming a necessity in all types of business simply because employees abuse the internet in so many ways, from things as simple as internet games to things as disturbing as pornography in the office place.  Many employees browse hundreds of websites per week during work hours. Have you wondered when people have the time to play  these new popular internet games — guess what they are playing them on the job.  So while your employees are preventing their crops from wilting or other such fun things, you are seeing less and less productivity.  Some employees even spend time looking for other jobs, and reading classified ads while on the clock. In addition to the productivity you are losing, many of these sites that are visited by employees are laced with viruses that can damage your business’ computers, cause them to freeze up, run slower, and eventually need costly repair.

What should you do? Most employees need the internet to do various job duties in the office, so how can you combat this problem ? For more information on Internet Security, and the various options available to you to combat this problem give us a call at 540-815-9397 and let us schedule a consultation to help you analyze your business’s needs, and the best way to handle your security issues.   Remember Spencer Technology Solutions is here to meet all your IT needs, give us a call today, and see what we can do for you.