Hokie Owned and Operated – Computer specialists for Roanoke

Are you looking for a computer specialist in Roanoke VA ?  Do you have a small to medium size business, and need help with your company’s computers, but don’t have the budget for a full time IT staff ?  Why not let a local Hokie Owned and Operated buisness – Spencer Technology Solutions help you ? We serve a great number of clients in the Roanoke area, and have a record of impeccable service with our customers. So give us a call today, and let Spencer Technology Solutions handle your IT needs for you !

We can give you the Tech support that you need to keep your technology current, and keep your business humming along.  We handle everything from small computer repairs, to networking your entire office to a new server.  We handle new equipment sales, computer repair, to website development and social Media consulting, not just in Roanoke, but beyond.  We travel far and wide to meet out customers needs.   Because afterall if your computers are not working, chances are your employees are not either.  Let Roanoke’s best Computer specialists, Spencer Technology Solutions help solve your IT needs today with IT Solutions that really work.  Call us at 540-815-9397.

Virginia Tech Alumni Event

As many of you know, our very own Matt of Spencer Technology Solutions  is President of the Roanoke Valley Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association.  As such, we are pleased to invite all of you to join us for an event hosted by VT Aluni this Thursday, April 19th at the Jefferson Center.
Join us for a memorable evening with James “Bud” Robertson. He is recognized worldwide as one of the foremost experts in American Civil War era history. An accomplished author, his latest book is Soldier of Southwest Virginia: The Civil War Letters of Captain John Preston Sheffey.
There will be a book signing/social hour before Robertson’s presentation. Proceeds benefit the Roanoke Valley Chapter Scholarship Fund, which is used for local students in the Roanoke Valley.  The Cost: $ 25 – includes program, book signing, and heavy hors d’oeuvres .  The Event begins at 6:30 and is in Fitzpatrick hall at The Jefferson Center.  Please RSVP if you are attending.

Frank Beamer honored by MS foundation.

On March 14, 2012, the MS Society’s local Blue Ridge Chapter had their 21st annual Dinner of Champions to award this year’s winner with the MS Silver Hope Award. This year, Virginia Tech Head Coach, Frank Beamer was honored for his years of service not only as a great football coach, but as a leader and champion in his community.

Shane Beamer was the Master of Ceremonies, and did an outstanding job regaling the audience with stories about his father. Billy Hite and Greg Roberts were also on hand to “roast” the coach and tell humorous anecdotes from their years of friendship with Coach Beamer. At the end of the evening, a surprise guest, Coach Mike Gottfriend whom Beamer worked under at Murray State, was introduced to honor Beamer. Through all of the light-hearted banter, one thing was said about Coach Frank Beamer repeatedly, he is a loyal man, who values his friends and family, and to him coaching is about more than football.  It is about making a difference in the lives of the young people he coaches, and about creating a football program that makes the Hokie nation proud, not just because of wins, but because of the character of the team.

Matt and I were honored to attend this event as guests of Alexander Boone from Boone Graham Thomas Construction. Alexander served as Vice Chair on the MS Dinner Committee along with many other local philanthropists. We, at Spencer Technology Solutions, are grateful to all of the members of the Blue Ridge MS Chapter for their hard work to fight this disease. We applaud you, and are thankful not only for Coach Beamer, but for all the many champions we have in our community.