Happy Father’s Day

What do you have planned for Sunday Morning for your Dad ? Is it breakfast in bed, maybe letting Dad have the television all to himself all day.  Are you participating in something great at church to honor Dad ?  I am sure that their are many special things planned for this weekend, from presents to great meals, but don’t forget the most important thing of all – just to say “Thank you”.   Many times in this crazy fast- paced world we live in we forget to stop and take just a minute and say those important two words.

We, at Spencer Technology Solutions would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank you ” to all the great dads we know.  We are so glad to take this opportunity to honor you.  It is always touching to see how a great Dad takes time out of his busy day to spend time with his kids, and perhaps most importantly takes time to be an important role model and leader for his children.  There are too few of those anymore.  In a world, where Dads are sometimes absent, it is really important to take extra time and appreciate the men who give their all to their families everyday.  So Thank you to all the “real” men who take time for their families. For all you do, for your kids, for your families, and for our country’s future.  Thanks Dad.

Happy Father’s Day from Spencer Technology Solutions !

Facebook & Your Business

How can Facebook help my business anyway?   Spencer Technology Solutions, Roanoke’s  IT & Social Media Consultants are here to explain that to you.  Facebook is part of the new collective term known as Social Media.  But what does that mean to you ? To put it simply, it means getting a listing in the phone book.  Think of Facebook as the new yellow pages, and having a Facebook page simply gives you an ad.  If you want to draw an audience, you must post interesting content, and keep it fresh.

What a facebook page really means for you is having an outlet to communicate with your current customers, and a way to cast a huge net on the world wide web  for many more potential customers.  When today’s client wants information, they go to Google, Bing, or some other search engine.  They put in key words, and then a list of businesses appear.  Facebook is a way to get your business on that list.  For your business, Social Media & Facebook are the future of marketing and advertising.  Call Spencer Technology Solutions at 540-815-9397, and let us give you a free consultation on how we can help you maximize Facebook and all forms of Social Media for your business. Give us the opportunity to be your Social Media Consultants for your Roanoke business. Don’t let your business get left behind, call us today.

Happy Easter from Spencer Technology Solutions !

It’s that time of year,  little girls in their new Easter outfits skipping across the lawn. Easter egg hunts in full swing.  Church musicals to celebrate the resurection of Christ.  How are you and your family planning to celebrate Easter ?  I hope you have plans for this beautiful Easter weekend. If not, there are many things going on around town to Celebrate Easter !  As for us at Spencer Technology Solutions, your favorite Roanoke Valley Computer Consultants,  we are hoping to have time to attend some of the events going on at Natural Bridge.   There are so many things to see and do in the beautiful Roanoke area that it is hard to choose.

Whatever you and your family do this weekend, may you be truly blessed, and have a happy and safe Easter.

Happy Easter from your favorite Roanoke Valley Computer Consultants !