Frank Beamer honored by MS foundation.

On March 14, 2012, the MS Society’s local Blue Ridge Chapter had their 21st annual Dinner of Champions to award this year’s winner with the MS Silver Hope Award. This year, Virginia Tech Head Coach, Frank Beamer was honored for his years of service not only as a great football coach, but as a leader and champion in his community.

Shane Beamer was the Master of Ceremonies, and did an outstanding job regaling the audience with stories about his father. Billy Hite and Greg Roberts were also on hand to “roast” the coach and tell humorous anecdotes from their years of friendship with Coach Beamer. At the end of the evening, a surprise guest, Coach Mike Gottfriend whom Beamer worked under at Murray State, was introduced to honor Beamer. Through all of the light-hearted banter, one thing was said about Coach Frank Beamer repeatedly, he is a loyal man, who values his friends and family, and to him coaching is about more than football.  It is about making a difference in the lives of the young people he coaches, and about creating a football program that makes the Hokie nation proud, not just because of wins, but because of the character of the team.

Matt and I were honored to attend this event as guests of Alexander Boone from Boone Graham Thomas Construction. Alexander served as Vice Chair on the MS Dinner Committee along with many other local philanthropists. We, at Spencer Technology Solutions, are grateful to all of the members of the Blue Ridge MS Chapter for their hard work to fight this disease. We applaud you, and are thankful not only for Coach Beamer, but for all the many champions we have in our community.

The Night Matt Saved Christmas !

So there I was sitting back in my recliner reading my email, and eating one of my wife’s delicious oatmeal and raisin cookies.  As I was sipping my egg nog,  my cell phone started to ring, and I checked the phone to see who was calling so late on the Friday afternoon before Christmas.   It was the North Pole, and the number was Santa’s private line !  I quickly answered the call to find out that Santa was in desperate need of my help.  His new software for tracking the present distribution had gone haywire, and his best elves had tried to fix it and failed.  I hopped into my four wheel drive sleigh — I mean car — and headed to the North Pole.  Away I flew like a flash, (those of you know how I drive, know this is true), and arrived at Santa’s door before you could say “Snow”.

Into Santa’s office I went right away, and fixed his laptop, programs, and all.  Soon Santa’s whole production was running again like a dream.  The presents were all in order, the boys and girls’ toys, dolls, and trains were ready to go, and Santa sighed with relief as he walked me out the door.   He patted me on the back and said ” Matt, you’ve been a very good boy this year, ol’ Santa is  thankful for your help.”   I heard him exclaim as I drove out of sight, “Merry Christmas to all, and don’t forget to give good ol’ Matt a call.”

When your elves can’t handle the problem give Spencer Technology Solutions a call at 540-815-9397.

I’m Thankful that my computer works !

It’s the time of year that we reflect on all the things that we are thankful for, and for the special people who have helped us out all year long.  At Spencer Technology Solutions, we are touched by all the great customers who thank us for our time and our services, and have said  to us “I’m thankful that my computer works.”   It makes us feel like we are doing our part to help keep the wheels turning, and keep people going.   We are proud to be Roanoke’s Computer Support Specialists, and to serve the computer needs of the roanoke valley and beyond.  We have so many great customers, and we are thankful for each one of them, and for their continued business.  

So if your computer isn’t working, and you aren’t feeling very thankful – give us a call at 540-815-9397, and let us make you one of our happy customers.