Happy Easter from Spencer Technology Solutions !

It’s that time of year,  little girls in their new Easter outfits skipping across the lawn. Easter egg hunts in full swing.  Church musicals to celebrate the resurection of Christ.  How are you and your family planning to celebrate Easter ?  I hope you have plans for this beautiful Easter weekend. If not, there are many things going on around town to Celebrate Easter !  As for us at Spencer Technology Solutions, your favorite Roanoke Valley Computer Consultants,  we are hoping to have time to attend some of the events going on at Natural Bridge.   There are so many things to see and do in the beautiful Roanoke area that it is hard to choose.

Whatever you and your family do this weekend, may you be truly blessed, and have a happy and safe Easter.

Happy Easter from your favorite Roanoke Valley Computer Consultants !

Computer Consultants for Roanoke VA

Do you need computer help ? Are you at the end of your wits end trying to keep your business’ computers operating, and do all the other things demanded of you on a daily basis ?

Have you tried to get help from other services, only to feel more frustrated and confused after you received”help” ?

When you have had enough, and are ready quality professional computer help– with a local Roanoke phone number — no need to call international for support — you can call Spencer Technology Solutions, at 540-815-9397 and let us give you the help you need to keep your business running smoothly without the hassle and stress offered by other “so-called” computer experts.

Whether you need help with computer repair, internet security, social media, networking, or new equipment, Spencer Technology Solutions is your one stop Technical Support

Social Media and your Business.

Social Media  is the new outlet for businesses to stay in touch with customers, vendors, and let’s face it the whole world.   So how do you decide what is the right fit for your business in the Social Media realm ?  Do you want to get your toe wet with a facebook page, or do you want to just dive in the deep end and have it all, blogs, you tube, twitter, the works.  

The First thing you want to consider is what is your goal in using Social Media, is it to attract new customers, provide news for current customers, or both.  Decide your purpose, whether it be simple, or multi-faceted, so you know what the goals of your Social networking will be.

The second thing to consider is time, how much time do you have to devote to this.  If you are like most small business owners, then the answer will be “not much time at all”, if that is the case, you need to consider hiring a Social Media Administrator like Spencer Technology Solutions to handle it for you.

The third thing is of course budget, how much money do you want to invest.  While some companies need to invest a lot into Social Media because marketing is their livelyhood, others may just want a presence so they are keeping up with  technology and assuring their company’s respect among its peers. 

Whatever your Social Media needs, Spencer Technology Solutions is here to help you.  We offer personalized packages to meet the needs of your company no matter how large or small.  Give us a call today, (540-815-9397) and let us help you make a splash with Social Media.