Social Media Consultants in Roanoke VA

Are you looking for a way to expand your business’ customer base ?  Have you been wondering how Social Media  can help you ?  Well, at Spencer Technology Solutions, we are prepared to help answer all of your Social Media questions, and be the Social Media Consultants that you need for your Roanoke Business.  What better place to get your information than  Roanoke’s IT and computer specialists Spencer Technology Solutions ?

Social Media comes in several forms, most of which you have probably heard about, and possibly use yourself.  The most common forms are Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, and YouTube.  You may know how to use these for fun, but how does it relate to your business ?  It means casting a huge net on the world wide web to “reel in” new clients.  Let’s face it, people do not use the Yellow Pages anymore,  most people don’t even have a copy in their home.  Why would they when it is more convienent to look something up on Google, or Yahoo.  People even have internet on their phones now, so they are never without the convienence of a search engine to find just what they are looking for.  — Why not let your business easy to find using key tools for Search Engine Optimization ?

Spencer Technology Solutions can share those tools with you and help you get your business on the easy to find list,  and make sure it stays there with  our effective Social Media marketing strategy.  Call Spencer Technology Solutions at 540-815-9397, and let us give you a free consultation on how we can help you maximize all forms of Social Media for your business.

Fishing on the World Wide Web

Have you been fishing for customers on the world wide web ?  Have you had much success ?  If not, perhaps it is time to let Spencer Technology Solutions help you cast your net as your Social Media Administrators. Why not Let Spencer Technology Solutions help you fish by being your Social Media  Consultants.

Let us explain to you the latest in Social Media technology. Like linking (networking) your blog, facebook, twitter and youtube pages together.  What that means to you is that your Blog, Twitter and other pages are linked together (or networked). So whenever you publish a blog post it automatically goes posts to your twitter account and facebook page.   It is important that all of your Social Media be networked together. This makes your “net” bigger so when you cast to the web you will catch more “fish” so to speak.  Afterall, the larger your net is, the larger the search area it will cover to bring those customers to your homepage so they can read all about you and your services and products.  Why not  call Spencer Technology Solutions today at 540-815-9397  and let us  help you with your Social Media ?

Family business makes Roanoke Great.

You know what is so great about Roanoke?  The small town feel that we still have despite the size of our city.  We have that great atmosphere for many reasons, but one of those reasons is all of the wonderful family owned businesses that we have.  For example, I don’t know of any other place in Virginia that has as many delicious locally owned restaurants.  We hardly ever eat at a chain restaurant because the local options are so phenomenal.   It is the same with many other areas of interest in Roanoke. Most of our customers are locally owned businesses, and just like all of the other great locally owned family businesses, Spencer Technology Solutions is a family owned and operated.  We do all the work ourselves.  It is our livelihood, and just like our friends and customers, we take pride in what we do, and we want our customers to be happy so they will continue to come back time and time again.  Afterall, it is our name that is at stake, not a corporate brand.

We, at Spencer Technology Solutions, are proud to be one of the many family owned businesses that make Roanoke great.  Why not try our services and many of the others in the Star City and enjoy that great down home feeling