You better shop around– then shop here.

Great Shopping in Roanoke means Tanglewood mall.  But what if you are shopping for computer help ? How do you know what you need ?  It is so hard to know if you are spending money on something you really need, or wasting money on something that really isn’t necessary.  And afterall, in this economy every penny counts.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you were spending money on the best value for your dollar.  But how can you do that when you buy a computer ?  I mean most of that techno-jargon is like a foreign language to most people.  I guess you could go talk to the sales guy at the store. How helpful has that been for you ?  — Ha ha —  I know there are some great salespeople out there, but my experience lately has not led me to find any of them.

So what is the answer ?  How about calling Spencer Technology Solutions at 540-815-9397 ?  You would be surprised to find out that you can get a computer built for your personal needs and specifications for not much more than those super store prices, and the best part is that the computer is built just for you.  So you are not paying for things you don’t need. Instead your every dollar is going to help you get the things that will benefit you the most on your new computer.   Sounds good ?  Give us a call and let us quote you a new system today.

Internet Security- is it important for your business?

Spencer Technology Solutions, Roanoke’s premier IT Consultant group, has spoken at many events in the last few years about the topic of Inernet security and how to make it work for your business.

Matt Spencer, the President of Spencer Technology Solutions,  is still asked questions by our customers on a regular basis about internet security.  I am sure that most of you know that in today’s business world, it is extremely important to have security because of various privacy laws and the confidentiality of critical data, but did you know that Internet security is becoming increasingly important for all areas of businesses even if your data isn’t exactly earth-shattering in confidentiality.

Unfortunately, Internet security is becoming a necessity in all types of business simply because employees abuse the internet in so many ways, from things as simple as internet games to things as disturbing as pornography in the office place.  Many employees browse hundreds of websites per week during work hours. Have you wondered when people have the time to play  these new popular internet games — guess what they are playing them on the job.  So while your employees are preventing their crops from wilting or other such fun things, you are seeing less and less productivity.  Some employees even spend time looking for other jobs, and reading classified ads while on the clock. In addition to the productivity you are losing, many of these sites that are visited by employees are laced with viruses that can damage your business’ computers, cause them to freeze up, run slower, and eventually need costly repair.

What should you do? Most employees need the internet to do various job duties in the office, so how can you combat this problem ? For more information on Internet Security, and the various options available to you to combat this problem give us a call at 540-815-9397 and let us schedule a consultation to help you analyze your business’s needs, and the best way to handle your security issues.   Remember Spencer Technology Solutions is here to meet all your IT needs, give us a call today, and see what we can do for you.

The Night Matt Saved Christmas !

So there I was sitting back in my recliner reading my email, and eating one of my wife’s delicious oatmeal and raisin cookies.  As I was sipping my egg nog,  my cell phone started to ring, and I checked the phone to see who was calling so late on the Friday afternoon before Christmas.   It was the North Pole, and the number was Santa’s private line !  I quickly answered the call to find out that Santa was in desperate need of my help.  His new software for tracking the present distribution had gone haywire, and his best elves had tried to fix it and failed.  I hopped into my four wheel drive sleigh — I mean car — and headed to the North Pole.  Away I flew like a flash, (those of you know how I drive, know this is true), and arrived at Santa’s door before you could say “Snow”.

Into Santa’s office I went right away, and fixed his laptop, programs, and all.  Soon Santa’s whole production was running again like a dream.  The presents were all in order, the boys and girls’ toys, dolls, and trains were ready to go, and Santa sighed with relief as he walked me out the door.   He patted me on the back and said ” Matt, you’ve been a very good boy this year, ol’ Santa is  thankful for your help.”   I heard him exclaim as I drove out of sight, “Merry Christmas to all, and don’t forget to give good ol’ Matt a call.”

When your elves can’t handle the problem give Spencer Technology Solutions a call at 540-815-9397.