It’s time to cast your net with Social Media. Let Spencer Technology Solutions help you get into the water of the world wide web by being your Social Media Consultants. Let us explain to you the latest in Social Media technology. It is called networking your blog. Basically, what that means is that your Blog and your facebook page are linked together (or networked). So whenever you publish a blog post it automatically goes posts to your facebook page. This also works with your twitter account as well. So now all of your Social Media is networked together. This makes your “net” bigger that you are casting out into the world wide web, and will help you catch more “fish” so to speak. The bigger the net, the farther the reach into google, and bing to bring those customers to your homepage so they can read all about you and your services and products. So how about letting Spencer Technology Solutions help you with your Social Media ? Give us a call today at 540-815-9397 to learn more about our Social Media Consultation packages.
Category: Helpful Hints
Twitter me this …
Twitter me this … What is a tweet anyway? A Tweet is a form of Social Media that basically sends a text message ( a short message called a tweet) to all of your friends (followers) at one time. It is called a Tweet for several reasons one of which being that the Twitter logo is the cute little blue bird you see to your left. Tweeting is new lingo that means posting something to your Twitter account so all of your followers can read it. For a business this means another form of Social Media to help you get your business’ information out to the public.
As a business you may ask what are the advantages of having a Twitter account? Do I need that in addition to a Facebook account ? If Blogs are my billboards then what are my Tweets ? It may sound complex, but in reality it is a simple concept. The more outlets you use to promote your business, the more exposure you get, the more chances for someone who needs your services to hear about your business. There are people who use Twitter who don’t necessarily use Facebook. It is like having a TV commercial and a Radio Ad in virtual terms. Everytime your business publishes a blog, it can be automatically posted to your facebook account and twitter feed, so all of your followers on both sites know you published something new, and have the opportunity to read it. Helping you understand Social Media, and being your consultants and Social Media Administrators is just another one of the many IT Services that Spencer Technology Solutions offers to their customers.
At Spencer Technology Solutions we offer Tech Solutions for all of your computer needs in Roanoke. So don’t twitter away wondering what to do, give us a call today and let us give you the computer help you need. Call us at 540-815-9397.
Did you know a Blog was a billboard ?
You are driving down I-95 on your way to the beach, and you see one sign after another for a place called “South of the Border.” You ignore the first 10 signs, but eventually your curiosity starts to get the better of you after 20 more signs, and soon the kids are noticing the signs too, and begging you to stop. Did the billboards do their trick ? Apparently so, because they get 1o0o’s of tourists to stop every year. Now you ask me, what does that have to do with a blog helping my business? I’m so glad you asked your favorite IT Consultant in Roanoke, Spencer Technology Solutions.
Imagine if you will that the internet is a virtual world, and your company’s website is your business in that virtual world. Now ask yourself how do you get traffic to stop at your business in the virtual world? You need a lot of signs, “billboards” if you will that point traffic in your direction. Blogs are those billboards, and your Social Media Consultant in Roanoke VA at Spen Tech can show you how to get your own billboards in the virtual world.
Not only do blogs give you an archive of news and information about your business for your customers, they give you a presence in the virtual world. The more blogs you have with key words in them describing your company, the more your presence is felt, and that increases what we call Searh Engine Optimization (SEO). What that means to you is when someone does a google search for key words associated with your business, your business gets closer and closer to the top of the list with each blog you put in cyber space. Instead of page 10, you now come up on page 1, and that my friend makes traffic stop. Why not call Spencer Technology Solutions today, your Computer & Networking Consultants in Roanoke VA, and let us show you how to stop traffic the high tech way – 540-815-9397.