Business IT Consultants for Roanoke VA !

Does your Roanoke Business need an IT consultant ?  Is your business too small for a full time IT staff, but still have IT needs that are not being met ?  Let Spencer Technology Solutions handle your IT needs for you !  We can repair your computers, and give you the IT Computer support that you need to keep your business current and your computers running efficently.  We handle everything from small computer repairs, to networking your entire office to a new server.  We can meet all your IT needs from new equipment sales, computer repair, to website development and social Media consulting, not just in Roanoke, but beyond.  We travel to meet out customers needs.   Because afterall if your computers are not working, then you are not making money.   Let Roanoke’s premier Computer specialists, Spencer Technology Solutions help solve your IT needs today with IT Solutions that really work.  Call us at 540-815-9397.

Social Media – What is it? How can it work for me?

We have all heard the term “Social Media.” It is the newest buzz word in the business and technology industry.  But what is Social Media, and how can it work for your business in the Roanoke Valley ?  Social Media encompasses Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and of course blogging – like you are reading now.  Other sites like LinkedIn and MySpace are considered Social Media as well.  You say this is all well and good for playing games and having fun talking to friends, but how is this helping my business.  Afterall, didn’t we just discuss how employees are goofing off in the workplace by playing on Facebook?

Remember when you were a kid, and you wanted to know where the best shoe store was, or the best ice cream parlor ? How did you find out? Well, you got out the old yellow pages, and you looked at the ads until you found what you were looking for.  Now think of Facebook and its counterparts as the modern day yellow pages.  If someone wants to know about a local business in their area, they are going to google it, or use some other search engine on the internet to find what they are looking for.  Well Social Media is how you increase your company’s search engine optimization (SEO), or presence on the internet.  You make it easier for new customers to find you and read more about your business. 

Now just think, I had to say all of that just to tell you that Social Media is the modern day Yellow Pages.  Call Spencer Technology Solutions today at 540-815-9397 for your Social Media consultation.  Let us help you put the Yellow Pages to work for you today.

Social Media Consultants in Roanoke VA

Are you looking for Social Media Consultants in Roanoke VA?  Spencer Technology Solutions wants to help you put Social Media to work for you. We are your go to Social Media consultants in Roanoke VA.  Are you new to the Social Media buzz ? Let Spencer Techonology Solutions show you how we can put a facebook page, a blog, Twitter and more to work for your business. 

Social  Social Media allows you to promote your business with blog articles, videos, photo albums on your facebook page and much more.  

If someone wants to know about a local business in their area, they are going to google it, or use some other search engine on the internet to find what they are looking for.  Well Social Media is how you increase your company’s search engine optimization (SEO), or presence on the internet.  You make it easier for new customers to find you and read more about your business.  Call us today at 540-815-9397 for your Social Media consultation, and let us show you how you can conquer the new frontier for your business. Let us go to work for you.