Internet Security- is it important for your business?

Spencer Technology Solutions, Roanoke’s premier IT Consultant group, has spoken at many events in the last few years about the topic of Inernet security and how to make it work for your business.

Matt Spencer, the President of Spencer Technology Solutions,  is still asked questions by our customers on a regular basis about internet security.  I am sure that most of you know that in today’s business world, it is extremely important to have security because of various privacy laws and the confidentiality of critical data, but did you know that Internet security is becoming increasingly important for all areas of businesses even if your data isn’t exactly earth-shattering in confidentiality.

Unfortunately, Internet security is becoming a necessity in all types of business simply because employees abuse the internet in so many ways, from things as simple as internet games to things as disturbing as pornography in the office place.  Many employees browse hundreds of websites per week during work hours. Have you wondered when people have the time to play  these new popular internet games — guess what they are playing them on the job.  So while your employees are preventing their crops from wilting or other such fun things, you are seeing less and less productivity.  Some employees even spend time looking for other jobs, and reading classified ads while on the clock. In addition to the productivity you are losing, many of these sites that are visited by employees are laced with viruses that can damage your business’ computers, cause them to freeze up, run slower, and eventually need costly repair.

What should you do? Most employees need the internet to do various job duties in the office, so how can you combat this problem ? For more information on Internet Security, and the various options available to you to combat this problem give us a call at 540-815-9397 and let us schedule a consultation to help you analyze your business’s needs, and the best way to handle your security issues.   Remember Spencer Technology Solutions is here to meet all your IT needs, give us a call today, and see what we can do for you.

Our most important client – You !

At Spencer Technology Solutions all of our clients receive first class treatment and service for all their computer needs.  We treat each client as though they are the most important on our list.  Try calling Tech Support on a 1-800 and see if you get the same first class service.   When you are being transferred around from one person to the next explaining and re-explaining your problem, you don’t feel like their most important customer that is for certain.  As a matter of fact you start to feel as though you don’t matter at all.   If you are tired of being treated like just another number, and want to feel like you matter give us a call at 540-815-9397, and let us show you what first class service is all about.

Tech Solutions for your Roanoke business.

Do you need help with tech solutions for your company’s computer needs ?  Are you at the end of your rope trying to keep your employees computers running yourself, and do all the other things necessary to run your business ?  Have you given up on ever getting help from those “so-called” support lines ?  I mean how long were you on hold anyway – 20 minutes – 30 minutes, only to get transferred again ? When you have had enough, call Spencer Technology Solutions, at 540-815-9397 and let us give you the help you need to keep your business running smoothly without the hassle and stress offered by other support teams.  

Whether you need help with computer repair, internet security, social media, networking, or new equipment, Spencer Technology Solutions is your one stop Technical Support group for all your IT solutions. Let us solve your problems today.