Cast your net with Social Media !

 It’s time to cast your net with Social Media. Let Spencer Technology Solutions help you get into the water of the world wide web by being your Social Media  Consultants. Let us explain to you the latest in Social Media technology.  It is called networking your blog.  Basically, what that means is that your Blog and your facebook page are linked together (or networked). So whenever you publish a blog post it automatically goes posts to your facebook page.  This also works with your twitter account as well.  So now all of your Social Media is networked together. This makes your “net” bigger that you are casting out into the world wide web, and will help you catch more “fish” so to speak.  The bigger the net, the farther the reach into google, and bing to bring those customers to your homepage so they can read all about you and your services and products.  So how about letting Spencer Technology Solutions help you with your Social Media ? Give us a call today at 540-815-9397 to learn more about our Social Media Consultation packages.

What is Facebook Anyway ?

So what is Facebook Anyway?   That is what we at Spencer Technology Solutions, Roanoke’s  IT Consultants, and computer specialists are here to explain to you.  Facebook is commonly known as a form of Social Media.  But what does that mean to you ?  Well personally, it means a way to connect with old friends, or keep in touch with family members who live far away.  Professionally, it means having an outlet to communicate with your current customers and a way to cast a huge net on the world wide web  for many more potential customers.  Let’s face it … Facebook is the new Yellow Pages.  When today’s client wants information, they go to Google, Bing, or Yahoo, or some other search engine tool on the Internet.  They put in key words, and then a list of businesses appear.   So what is Facebook anyway?   Facebook is a way to get your business on that list.  For your business Facebook is the future of marketing and advertising.  Call Spencer Technology Solutions at 540-815-9397, and let us give you a free consultation on how we can help you maximize Facebook and all forms of Social Media for your business, let us be your Social Media Consultants for your Roanoke business, so your business doesn’t get left behind in the Social Media generation.

Roanoke’s IT Consultant- Spen Tech

What is an IT Consultant?  Well, at Spencer Technology Solutions, we are like to think of ourselves as Roanoke’s premier IT Consultants.  What do we do for our customers? To put it simply “everything.”  We offer Technology Solutions for all your needs:  wiring, networking, server installation and upgrades, software, website design or upgrades, social media integration, IT Security, or any other type of computer help or repair you may need.  But we offer more than that, we offer personal service.  We offer a friendly voice on the phone to answer your questions, and help you with minor problems.  Need more help than we can give on the phone ? Guess what — We still make “housecalls”.  We come to you and fix your problems.  If we can’t fix it on site, we take it with us, repair it, and bring it back to you.  Don’t take our word for it, see what our customers have to say, visit our testimonial page.  We are adding more testimonials all the time.

So what is an IT Consultant, well an IT Consultant is Matt Spencer and Spencer Technology Solutions.  Call us today to set up a consultation so we can help you solve all your IT needs.