Social Media and your Business.

Social Media  is the new outlet for businesses to stay in touch with customers, vendors, and let’s face it the whole world.   So how do you decide what is the right fit for your business in the Social Media realm ?  Do you want to get your toe wet with a facebook page, or do you want to just dive in the deep end and have it all, blogs, you tube, twitter, the works.  

The First thing you want to consider is what is your goal in using Social Media, is it to attract new customers, provide news for current customers, or both.  Decide your purpose, whether it be simple, or multi-faceted, so you know what the goals of your Social networking will be.

The second thing to consider is time, how much time do you have to devote to this.  If you are like most small business owners, then the answer will be “not much time at all”, if that is the case, you need to consider hiring a Social Media Administrator like Spencer Technology Solutions to handle it for you.

The third thing is of course budget, how much money do you want to invest.  While some companies need to invest a lot into Social Media because marketing is their livelyhood, others may just want a presence so they are keeping up with  technology and assuring their company’s respect among its peers. 

Whatever your Social Media needs, Spencer Technology Solutions is here to help you.  We offer personalized packages to meet the needs of your company no matter how large or small.  Give us a call today, (540-815-9397) and let us help you make a splash with Social Media.

New Year – Try Technology Solutions that Work !

How does it feel to be in the second decade of a new millenium ? It’s quite amazing when you think about it.  I remember when I was a little girl and I used to imagine what it would be like to be an adult living in the year 2000.  With the help of the images from movies and magazines, I imagined a world with floating cities and cars — something out of the Jetsons.   While the new millenium is not quite what they planned in the cartoons and movies of the 1970’s and 80’s, our world is definetly more advanced and on the cutting edge of technology.   I am constantly amazed at what a cell phone can do !

But sometimes all that technology can be confusing, so what do you need when you need help with your latestet gadgets?  You call Spencer Technology Solutions for all your IT Support and Tech Consulting Needs in Roanoke and beyond.  After all, we offer Technology Solutions that really work.  We will be happy to take the time to sit down with you and help you understand your gadgets so you can make the most of your time, but putting your technology to work for you.

If you need a little help to get your new year started right with all your new technology, why not give Spencer Technology Solutions a call and let us help you make the most of living in the new millenium !

I’m Thankful that my computer works !

It’s the time of year that we reflect on all the things that we are thankful for, and for the special people who have helped us out all year long.  At Spencer Technology Solutions, we are touched by all the great customers who thank us for our time and our services, and have said  to us “I’m thankful that my computer works.”   It makes us feel like we are doing our part to help keep the wheels turning, and keep people going.   We are proud to be Roanoke’s Computer Support Specialists, and to serve the computer needs of the roanoke valley and beyond.  We have so many great customers, and we are thankful for each one of them, and for their continued business.  

So if your computer isn’t working, and you aren’t feeling very thankful – give us a call at 540-815-9397, and let us make you one of our happy customers.