Working together to make your business better !

Why is Spencer Technology Solutions the best source for IT Solutions and computer help in the Roanoke Valley?  The answer is simple, we care about your business.

We know that doing the best job that we can do for our customers will help them succeed. At Spencer Technology solutions,  we think of ourselves as part of your team, if you succeed so do we.  Working as a team gets better results than trying to carry the load yourself, just like the coach said in High School “There is no ‘I’ in team.  Those lessons apply in life too.

At Spencer Technology Solutions we know that caring about the success of our customers makes us have better customer service, and gives our customers something that is getting harder and harder to find in the high tech world – someone who listens to their needs, and understands the issues they are facing.  Not only does caring about your business make us easier for you to work with, it also benefits us, because your success is our success.

When you grow, our business prospers too. We all win !  Why not give us a call today, at 540-815-9397, and let us show you our first class customer service, and the benefits of having an IT Consultant on your team.  1… 2… 3…  GO TEAM !

Hokie Owned and Operated – Computer Consultants for Roanoke

Spencer Tech Solutions is your local Hokie Owned and Operated computer consulting firm.  We serve a great number of clients in the Roanoke area, and have an outstanding record of great customer service with our clients.

We can give you the Technical support that you need to keep your computer equipment current, and keep your business moving along.  We handle everything from small computer repairs, to networking your entire office to a new server.  We handle new equipment sales, computer repair, to website development and social Media consulting, not just in Roanoke, but beyond.  We travel far and wide to meet out customers needs.   Because afterall if your computers are not working, chances are your employees are not either.  Let Roanoke’s best Computer specialists, Spencer Technology Solutions help solve your IT needs today with IT Solutions that really work. Why not let Spencer Technology Solutions help your business ? Call us at 540-815-9397.

Happy Mother’s Day

To all the wonderful Mom’s out there, whether this is your first Mother’s day or your 50th, we hope that today will be a very special day for you and that you will feel loved and cherished.

Being a Mom my very well be the hardest job on earth, and we know that so many of you balance it while wearing many other hats.  You are the unsung heroes that are taken fore granted, so many times you are the “Behind the Scenes” crew, yet you take it all in stride happy to let your children be the “Stars of the Show”.  Well today Mom, we want you to know you are the Hero, and you are the Star, because without you so many of us would never be where we are today.  Thank you for all that you do for your children, your families, and all of the lives you touch each and every day.  Happy Mother’s day from Spencer Technology Solutions.