What is Facebook Anyway ?

So what is Facebook Anyway?   That is what we at Spencer Technology Solutions, Roanoke’s  IT Consultants, and computer specialists are here to explain to you.  Facebook is commonly known as a form of Social Media.  But what does that mean to you ?  Well personally, it means a way to connect with old friends, or keep in touch with family members who live far away.  Professionally, it means having an outlet to communicate with your current customers and a way to cast a huge net on the world wide web  for many more potential customers.  Let’s face it … Facebook is the new Yellow Pages.  When today’s client wants information, they go to Google, Bing, or Yahoo, or some other search engine tool on the Internet.  They put in key words, and then a list of businesses appear.   So what is Facebook anyway?   Facebook is a way to get your business on that list.  For your business Facebook is the future of marketing and advertising.  Call Spencer Technology Solutions at 540-815-9397, and let us give you a free consultation on how we can help you maximize Facebook and all forms of Social Media for your business, let us be your Social Media Consultants for your Roanoke business, so your business doesn’t get left behind in the Social Media generation.

Facebook Crazy – Spencer Tech Solutions!

All you ever hear anymore is “Well, I saw it on Facebook.”  It is the way people stay connected with their friends, but it has also become more than that.  It has become a tool for businesses to use to keep in touch with clients, and keep their product at the forefront of the market.   Facebook, combined with YouTube, blogging, and Twitter are the new wave of Social Media.   In many cases, having a facebook page can be better for your business than running a tv commercial.   For that matter, many commercials will be viewed thousands of times on “You Tube” vs once or twice on regular television.

Wow, you say, that is great. But how can I put Facebook to work for me.  Well, of course I have the answer for you because Spencer Technology Solutions is Facebook Crazy.  We love to help our clients stay connected and use of all forms of Social Media, that is why we are some of Roanoke’s favorite Social Media Consultants.  Give us a call today and let us show you how we can make you Facebook Crazy too, and put Social Media to work for you.

The best Computer repair in Roanoke !

Are you looking for Computer repair or IT Support in Roanoke VA ?   We have the perfect solution to all your computer problems – Just Call Spencer Technology Solutions,  and let Roanoke’s computer consultant guru — Matt Spencer come out and evaluate your system today and give you a free quote on what we can do to increase your productivity and computer performance.   Spencer Technology Solutions has years of experience in meeting the needs of small and medium sized businesses, and individuals with home offices.  Whatever your computer issue is we will be glad to evaluate it and help you solve it. 

We have many satisfied customers who have been with us for years, we would love the opportunity to add you to our list.