Internet Security- is it important for your business?

Spencer Technology Solutions, Roanoke’s premier IT Consultant group, has spoken at many events in the last few years about the topic of Inernet security and how to make it work for your business.

Matt Spencer, the President of Spencer Technology Solutions,  is still asked questions by our customers on a regular basis about internet security.  I am sure that most of you know that in today’s business world, it is extremely important to have security because of various privacy laws and the confidentiality of critical data, but did you know that Internet security is becoming increasingly important for all areas of businesses even if your data isn’t exactly earth-shattering in confidentiality.

Unfortunately, Internet security is becoming a necessity in all types of business simply because employees abuse the internet in so many ways, from things as simple as internet games to things as disturbing as pornography in the office place.  Many employees browse hundreds of websites per week during work hours. Have you wondered when people have the time to play  these new popular internet games — guess what they are playing them on the job.  So while your employees are preventing their crops from wilting or other such fun things, you are seeing less and less productivity.  Some employees even spend time looking for other jobs, and reading classified ads while on the clock. In addition to the productivity you are losing, many of these sites that are visited by employees are laced with viruses that can damage your business’ computers, cause them to freeze up, run slower, and eventually need costly repair.

What should you do? Most employees need the internet to do various job duties in the office, so how can you combat this problem ? For more information on Internet Security, and the various options available to you to combat this problem give us a call at 540-815-9397 and let us schedule a consultation to help you analyze your business’s needs, and the best way to handle your security issues.   Remember Spencer Technology Solutions is here to meet all your IT needs, give us a call today, and see what we can do for you.

Why do I need a Social Media Administrator ?

In our Spencer Technology Solutions blog we have discussed what Social Media Consulting is, and how it is the new outlet for businesses to get their information to the world.  But now that you understand how it works, why do you need to hire someone to be your Social Media Administrator?  It is just a Facebook page or a Twitter page after all isn’t it?  Why wouldn’t you just do it yourself ? The answer is Yes and No.  Yes, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, and other forms of Social Media are simplistic in nature, but No it isn’t always easy to do it yourself because having a personal page is different from having a business account in many aspects. 

The First thing you want to consider is that a personal facebook page has more privacy than a business page would have, after all the people who post on your wall are people you know.  With a business page, you want it to be open to the public to promote your business so that leaves you open for unwanted comments and posts by spammers.  The first job of a Social Media Administrator is to keep your facebook page, and blog comments clean from negative comments and SPAM.  Also involved in this job is monitoring new people who “like” your page, and responding to positive comments. If someone post a comment with potential sales viability, you want to make sure they get the attention they need right away.

The second thing to consider is your blog.  Sure anyone with good writing skills can write a blog, but how do you make it work for you? Remember blogs not only need to be interesting and written well to appeal to an audience, but they are billboards that drive traffic to your site?  If you aren’t using the correct tools like key words with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and researching with google analytics then your results will not drive traffic to your site.   There are also many other aspects like making sure that any photos you use in your blog are not copyright protected.  Using links to other sites for optimization, and other tools that promote your blog and website.  Your ultimate goal is of course to come up on the first page of google results for key words relating to your business.  This can be done in one of two ways, you can pay an excessive fee to google to run an ad and be placed at the top for a few days or a week, or you can build up data with an archive of blogs that will constantly keep you near the top with the correct placing of keywords.

The third thing is the amount of time it takes to do this, and the networkingof all of your social media together.  If you understand all of the processes, you are excellent with computers and social media and you think you could do it all yourself, the quetion remains do you have the time ?  It takes someone dedicated to working on your site every day to get results.  Then of course there is networking, you want all of your accounts linked together so they work together in harmony.   This makes it possible for you to post video from your you tube account to a blog or your facebook page, have your blogs published on your facebook page and twitter as soon as they are published and much more. 

Social Media Administration is a new and up and coming field in Technology, and Spencer Technology Solutions is ready to meet all your needs.  Give us a call today for a free Social Media Consultation at 540-815-9397.

IT Support & Consulting for Roanoke !

Everyone needs IT Support & Consulting, even in Roanoke, VA.  So the next time you need computer help, server help, or IT Solutions that really work and you just don’t know what questions to ask, or where to even start to fix your problem, call Spencer Technology Solutions and let us come give you a free evaluation. We will look at your current systems and make suggestions for ways to improve your business’s efficency, give you a quote on upgrades, a new system, or whatever you would like. We will take the time to answer all your questions and explain any terminolgy that you do not understand.

Do you know why our customers keep coming back ? They come back because they love being able to pick up the phone and talk to a real person.  Imagine that, not talkingto a computer, not being transferred to another person, and another, not an automated system that cuts you off after you have been on hold for twenty minutes.  You get to talk to an actual person who will help you with your problem.  If we can’t help you over the phone, then we will come to your office and fix whatever the problem is.  That is the type of service you deserve, and that is the type of service you will get with Spencer Technology Solutions.  Call us today at 540-815-9397.